This webinar featured two CTIC research studies: the first on Covid-19 vaccine misinformation in publicly accessible chatgroups and the second on the state of digital inclusion in Singapore.

In “Anatomy of Ivermectin misinformation”, Dr Chew discussed the use of topic modelling and sentiment analysis to uncover the key features of textual framing that facilitated the subsequent dissemination of Ivermectin misinformation. Findings on the textual features of the particular piece of misinformation were discussed in the context of broader policy research on digital inclusion in Singapore.

In the “State of Digital Inclusion in Singapore”, Dr Soon presented the policy recommendations for closing the digital divides in Singapore derived from an analysis of global indices for digital inclusion, international and local strategies, frameworks, policies, and programmes.

Taken together, the webinar attempted to address practical questions on how to recognise and counter misinformation and how digital readiness, literacy and digital inclusion programmes could evolve.

    Welcome address by Dr Kokil Jaidka. View video

    Webinar presentation by Dr Chew Han Ei on “Anatomy of Ivermectin misinformation”.View video

    Webinar presentation by Dr Carol Soon on “State of Digital Inclusion in Singapore”. View video