- Commentary: If we don’t shape the internet, others will. As online harm laws tighten and social media standards rise, users must reflect on interactions, sharing, and accountability, says Dr Chew Han Ei. Channel NewsAsia. 18 February 2025.
- 狮城有约 | 十分访谈:DeepSeek 如何影响科技领域和股市? In a live interview with Channel 8’s Hello Singapore, Prof Anthony Tung weighs in on Deepseek’s lower training costs, data privacy impact & what this means for AI’s future. 6 February 2025.
- Deepfake nude apps are ruining lives and have no place in app stores. In this op-ed for The Straits Times, Dr Chew Han Ei advocates the need for a coordinated approach to tackle online harms as deepfake-enabling tools unleashed a wave of harassment and exploitation. 20 January 2025.
- CTIC is pleased to partner the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) to undertake the research project on ‘Understanding digital wellbeing in the Taiwanese population towards digital readiness, inclusion and safety’. The main aim is to explore digital wellbeing in Taiwan, using the Digital Wellbeing Indicator Framework developed by CTIC in collaboration with DQ Institute. 15 December 2024.
- Four everyday AI competencies for Singaporeans to make Smart Nation 2.0 work. In this op-ed for The Straits Times, Dr Chew Han Ei proposes four essential competencies that will equip Singaporeans to meet the challenges and seize opportunities of this AI-driven era. 4 October 2024.
- NUS researchers develop innovative approaches to tackle false information on multiple fronts. NUS researchers are combating misinformation through the Information Gyroscope (iGYRO) initiative, developing tools and frameworks to enhance digital information resilience. NUS News. 02 October 2024.
- Bill to combat deepfakes during election timely despite challenges: Analysts. In this Straits Times article, Prof Mohan Kankanhalli and Dr Carol Soon highlight the need for technical solutions, laws and public education to combat misinformation. 11 September 2024.
- The tussle over TikTok isn’t just geopolitics. In this op-ed for CNA, Dr Carol Soon, Dr Chew Han Ei and Ann Mak discuss the struggle over cross-border data control and data localisation amid broader geopolitical tensions. 30 May 2024.
- Is political incivility driving away voters in India’s 2024 election? In this CNA op-ed, Asst. Prof Taberez Neyazi analyses the shift in Prime Minister Modi’s rhetoric. 21 May 2024.
- CTIC is pleased to partner Fudan University to study and collect comparative data on digital wellbeing across cities in China. One of the aims is to test and validate the original Digital Wellbeing Indicator Framework (DWIF) jointly developed by CTIC and DQ Institute. 30 April 2024.
- CTIC is pleased to partner Voicecode Technology on a project to enhance digital trust and behaviour in digitalisation. 15 May 2024.
- CTIC is pleased to sign an MOU with ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society (ADM+S) to improve AI-human decision making in areas of health and work to enhance users' digital wellbeing and resilience. 26 April 2024.
- Living Well Digitally: Global Initiative Launched by NUS Centre for Trusted Internet and Community and Powered by DQ. The Korea Herald. Financial Times China. Australian Associated Press. Yahoo Finance Singapore. Vulcan Post. PRNewswire Asia. Singapore Business Review. 19 April 2024.
- 狮城有约 | 科技一点通:文字生成视频模型Sora. In an interview with Channel 8's Hello Singapore, Prof Anthony Tung shares the opportunities and challenges OpenAI Sora bring to the advertising and film industry. 05 April 2024.
- Deepfakes in an election year — is Asia ready to handle misinformation campaigns? In an interview with CNBC, Prof Simon Chesterman and Dr Carol Soon share their views in terms of regulation, technology and education. 14 March 2024.
- Taking Point Deepfakes Part 1 - How real are they? Prof Terence Sim joins host Steven Chia to demonstrate how easily AI can be misused to create a convincing partial deepfake video interposed with half-truths, and a full-body deepfake complete with hand gestures and body movements. Channel NewsAsia, 10 March 2024.
- OpenAI’s Sora: How can I tell if a video is made by AI? In an interview with Straits Times, Prof Terence Sim analyses OpenAI's showcase videos and spots subtle clues such as unnatural lighting, peculiar hands and awkward movements to identify AI-generated videos. 3 March 2024.
- 晨光聚焦: 移花接木以假乱真 了解深伪技术. In this 8world News spotlight, Prof Anthony Tung demonstrates the technology behind creating deepfake videos, and Prof Mohan Kankanhalli cautions against sharing intimate details on social media to protect yourself and your loved ones against malicious actors. 19 February 2024.
- 道高一尺魔高一丈 AI助力“深伪”难辨. In an interview with Lianhe Zaobao, Prof Terence Sim shares how deepfakes are generated, how to spot them, and the potentials of generative AI to bring positive impact to the society. 19 January 2024.
- We have weapons against AI-powered deepfakes but fighting truth decay wont be easy. In this Straits Times Op-Ed, Prof Simon Chesterman discusses the approaches and challenges of combating AI-generated misinformation on government, platform, organisational, and individual levels. 15 January 2024.
- Is ChatGPT just a copycat? CTIC Prof Simon Chesterman weighs in on the implications of generative AI on copyrights issues in this commentary published by Straits Times. 24 October 2023.
- Three in five have encountered online harms, or know someone who has: survey. CTIC PI Dr Chew Han Ei gave his expert views in an interview with Straits Times. 22 September 2023.
- CTIC PIs Dr Chew Han Ei, Dr Carol Soon and IPS' Jeanne Tan discuss ways to build digital trust in this opinion editorial for The Straits Times, Where to park my bicycle? The mindset needed to beat scammers. NUS News, 12 September 2023.
- Straits Times published an opinion editorial by CTIC PI Dr Carol Soon and IPS' Beverly Tan on AI comes with risks, and more can be done to minimise them, 25 August 2023.
- Congratulations to NUS CTIC PI Prof Simon Chesterman on the release of his latest book Artifice which delves into a world where cutting-edge technology and humanity intertwine, 30 June 2023.
- Straits Times published a commentary by CTIC PI Dr Carol Soon on Hard Truths in Crisis Communication - what to expect with a political scandal. NUS News, 27 June 2023.
- An interdisciplinary team in CTIC, led by Professor Chen Tsuhan and Professor Lee Mong Li, has embarked on a five-year research programme with the goal of Building digital information resilience in a post-truth world. NUS News, 19 June 2023.
- Scammers use deepfakes to create voice recordings and videos to trick victims' family, friends. NUS CTIC PI Professor Terence Sim shed light on the issues of deepfake scams in an interview with The Straits Times. 15 June 2023.
- Congratulations to CTIC PI Dr Carol Soon on the release of her edited volume, Mobile Communication and online falsehoods in Asia: Trends, impact and practice, published by Springer Nature. Fellow CTIC PI Dr Chew Han Ei has contributed the chapter, Understanding the nature of misinformation on publicly accessible messaging platforms: The case of Ivermectin in Singapore, which looks at how vaccine misinformation is spread on Telegram, 11 June 2023.
- Online safety rules must be matched by public education.
A Straits Times article by CTIC PIs Dr Chew Han Ei and Dr Carol Soon, and Prof Lim Sun Sun from SUTD. NUS News, 15 November 2022.
- Nimbleness needed to engage citizens.
Straits Times published an opinion article by CTIC PI Dr Carol Soon and fellow colleagues on the importance of engaging citizens on complex issues and how can technology be exploited while minimising its pitfalls. NUS News, 8 October 2022.
Online safety and social media liability: Has the tide turned? Straits Times published an article by CTIC PI Dr Chew Han Ei and Prof Lim Sun Sun from SUTD.
NUS News, 4 October 2022.
- Straits Times published an opinion article by CTIC PIs Dr Carol Soon and fellow colleagues on
Different gigs, different digital skills.
NUS News, 18 August 2022.
- Growing ease of access to deepfake tools a worry, says experts. CTIC PI Associate Professor Maria T. Soto-Sanfiel and NUS School of Computing Associate Professor Dr Terence Sim spoke to The Straits Times about the implications of deepfakes and how to identify deepfakes. NUS News, 9 August 2022. Watch video clip.
- Youths in Singapore promote cyber wellness using coding, social media.
Channel News Asia interviewed CTIC PI Dr Chew Han Ei for his views. 11 July 2022.
Straits Times published an article by CTIC PI Dr Natalie Pang and fellow colleague on Web 3, new version of Internet, promises greater data privacy.
NUS News, 5 July 2022.
- TODAY published a commentary by CTIC PI Dr Natalie Pang on Singapore’s move to regulate online safety faces challenges, but society can help. NUS News, 27 June 2022.
- Targeted approach needed to boost digital literacy.
Straits Times published an opinion article by CTIC PI Dr Carol Soon and fellow colleagues on the design and delivery of digital literacy. NUS News, 22 June 2022.
- Is Twitter a hotbed for political partisanship in the U.S.?
Research by CTIC PI Assistant Professors Subhayan Mukerjee and Kokil Jaidka on
The Political Landscape of the U.S. Twitterverse, published in Political Communication,
seems to suggest otherwise.
La Presse, 31 May 2022.
- Three pivots towards digital inclusions.
CTIC PI Dr Natalie Pang opined in Directions Blog that
while accessibility and literacy remain essential for digital inclusion,
it is time to expand the conversation to consider smart technology bias, data citizenship and platform cooperativism as a community-based approach to control online capitalism and harms. 14 April 2022.
- Channel News Asia published a commentary by CTIC PI Dr Jean Liu on "A digital detox won’t reset your busy life. 22 March 2022.
- TODAY published a commentary by CTIC PI Dr Carol Soon and fellow colleagues on Why are some people more immune to falsehoods and what can we learn from them? NUS News, 17 March 2022.
Online harm is an urgent issue for women. A Straits Times opinion article by CTIC PI Dr Chew Han Ei and Prof Lim Sun Sun from SUTD.
NUS News, 10 March 2022.
- Rebuilding digital trust.
Straits Times published an opinion article by CTIC PI Dr Chew Han Ei and Dr Carol Soon
on the fragility of digital trust and the importance of going beyond digital access.
NUS News, 4 March 2022.
- Digital minimalism.
CTIC PI Dr Jean Liu opined in Think - The Head Foundation Digest on the importance of decluttering our lives from technology, 21 December 2021.
Straits Times published an opinion article by CTIC PI Dr Natalie Pang and fellow colleagues on
Becoming digitally connected: What holds people back?
NUS News, 25 October 2021.
- Why digital poverty deserves greater attention?
Straits Times published an opinion article by CTIC PI Dr Natalie Pang and fellow colleagues on the importance of digital access. NUS News, 15 October 2021.
- Channel News Asia published a commentary by CTIC PI Dr Natalie Pang on Seniors are spending too much time on their smartphones which can spell trouble. 29 September 2021.
- TODAY published a commentary by CTIC PI Dr Carol Soon on Beware of collateral damage of Fica NUS News, 29 September 2021.
- CTIC is pleased to partner Edelman DXI to develop research on trust, 12 August 2021.
- Dr Chew Han Ei, Dr Elmie Nekmat, Dr Lee Mong Li, and Dr Natalie Pang worked with the Ministry of
Communications and Information to launch Singapore Together Alliance for Action to tackle online
harms, especially those targeted at women and girls, 21 July 2021
- Channel News Asia published a commentary by CTIC PI Dr Carol Soon on Benefits and drawbacks when citizens use social media to raise concerns. 29 June 2021.
- CTIC PI Prof Natalie Pang gave her expert advice and opinion on When screen time isn't quality time in CapitaLand eNewsletter, 24 June 2021.
- CTIC is pleased to partner DQ Institute to research on digital well-being and establish indicators for a global assessment framework, 17 March 2021.
- Straits Times published a commentary by CTIC PI Dr Carol Soon on Let's build immunity against vaccine falsehoods, 12 February 2021.
- Congratulations to CTIC PI Dr Kokil Jaidka who was selected as one of eighteen new faculty worldwide as a part of AAAI New Faculty Highlights Program, 2-9 February 2021. Watch video clip.
- Channel News Asia published a commentary by CTIC PI Dr Natalie Pang on WhatsApp’s new T&Cs could spark changes to how data and privacy are managed. 19 January 2021.
- Channel News Asia published a commentary by CTIC PI Dr Carol Soon on Singapore needs a new Smart Nation vision that doesn't leave any citizen behind. 17 January 2021.
- Channel News Asia published a commentary by CTIC PI Dr Carol Soon on Are our neighbourhood chat groups starting to be a pain? 20 September 2020.
- The Internet is fast becoming the backbone of our social interactions.
CTIC organised the first-ever "We, the Internet" Global Citizens Dialogue on 10th October 2020 to discuss "The Future of the Internet". NUS Press Release, 7 September 2020.
CTIC PIs Professor Wynne Hsu, Professor Lee Mong Li and their team developed an online platform called Letscheck that helps users verify if COVID-19 claims are true by checking against scientific articles or news.
NUS Research News, 31 August 2020.
- TODAY published a commentary by CTIC PI Dr Natalie Pang on Viral posts on elderly cleaner — let’s review meaning of consent and how personal data is shared online. 6 August 2020.
- TODAY published a commentary by CTIC PI Dr Natalie Pang and Dr Chew Han Ei on Don’t define digital access problem as a divide. It’s more complex than that. NUS News, 15 June 2020.
- How to fight the COVID-19 infodemic? World Economic Forum published new research by CTIC PIs Assistant Professor Elmie Nekmat and Professor Audrey Yue on the most successful strategies used by 3 Asian countries to fight fake news about COVID-19, 1 May 2020.
- What do your tweets say about your happiness?
A new study by CTIC PI Assistant Professor Kokil Jaidka and a team of researchers from the U.S. and Australia on Estimating geographic subjective well-being from Twitter has been published in PNAS.
Check it out to know how "lol" confounds regional wellbeing estimates.
NUS Research News, 28 April 2020.
- 狮城有约 | 十分访谈:冠病疫情与假信息 谁更可怕?
Mediacorp Ch 8 - Hello Singapore interviewed CTIC PI Dr Natalie Pang on COVID-19 fake news, 1 April 2020.
Watch video clip.
- TODAY published a commentary by CTIC PI Dr Natalie Pang on How do we use messaging platforms such as WhatsApp appropriately in a crisis?
30 March 2020.
- CTIC PI Professor Danny Quah authored a chapter describing Singapore’s policy response to COVID-19 in the new book
Mitigating the COVID Economic Crisis: Act Fast and Do Whatever It Takes, 18 March 2020.
- TODAY published a commentary by CTIC PI Dr Carol Soon on Fighting an information avalanche during COVID-19, 18 March 2020.
- SMS Janil Puthucheary shared that CTIC will study how societies discern online harms and build responsible public discourse at the MCI Committee of Supply on 3 March 2020.
Watch video clip.
- Interview with Professors Lee Mong Li and Audrey Yue on The importance of information literacy in today’s interconnected world, 28 February 2020.
- Media reports.
- NUS Press Release, 27 February 2020.